🎥 grad school webinar:

Navigating your First Semester of Grad School 📚


You can survive and thrive in grad school


Learn what to expect in your first semester of grad school!

WATCH THE WEBINAR to learn how to…

  • How to study and excel in grad school level coursework

  • Build strong relationships with your professors and fellow grad students

  • Stop comparing yourself with your cohort and overcome imposter syndrome

  • Avoid the 3 biggest mistakes that keep grad students stuck in a cycle of anxiety, overwhelm, and procrastination.

    Hi New Grad Student!

    I’m Dr. Toyin Alli.

    I am a former McNair Scholar and I received my PhD in Mathematics from the University of Alabama. I now have my dream job as a full time Senior Lecturer at an R1 university.

    I started The Academic Society LLC back in 2017 to help graduate students succeed in grad school through time management, productivity, and self-care. I reach thousands of grad students through my digital programs, online social platforms, YouTube channel, and website.

    Watch the webinar to navigate your first semester of grad school like a #GRADBOSS! ⬇️